
Foldable Hinge maker in China


▶ 요약

  • CSOT에서 Foldable Hinge 관련 합작 미팅 중인 업체 리스트: 橙工科技, 兆利,普赛汉进,劲丰,安费诺, LKK, 富士达, JMC
  • 조사항목: 설립일, 수행 비즈니스, 웹페이지, 채용정보 확인, 특허, 연락처
  • 8 업체 普赛汉进,安费诺 2 사가 Foldable Hinge 업무를 적극적으로 수행 중인 것으로 파악됨, 富士达 엘리베이터 제조사이고, JMC 자동차 업체로 연관성이 제일 낮아 보임

        橙工科技: 2011 이후 사이트에 핸드폰 힌지에 대한 업데이트가 없음. 채용 정보를 보면 현재 Note PC 힌지에 집중하고 있음.

        兆利: PC/Phone 힌지 제조 판매사로 조사되었으나, 채용 정보 웹사이트 등이 없음

       普赛汉进: Phone hinge 제조사, UK PTH Company/Sichuan Uni. 협력한다는 내용을 지역 뉴스에서 발견하나 상세 사항은 없음

        劲丰: PC/Notebook/Tablets/Phone/LCD 등의 다양한 분야의 힌지 제조사, Toshiba(from 2004); Huawei (hinge); MiTAC 장기 계약 중이라고 소개함, 2건의 힌지 특허가 발견 되었으나 조사 결과 특이사항 없음 (상식적인 내용)

       安费诺: 힌지를 포함한 정밀 부품 제조사, US-venture Amphenol Group 소유사로 Strong R&D capacity 뉴스를 통해 소개함, 힌지 특허가 있으나 조사 결과 삼성 대비 기술력이 높지 않아 보임

        LKK: LKK 조사 자동차 제조사와 디지인 업체가 검색됨. 추가 조사 불가.

       富士达: 일본 회사로 엘리베이터 제조. 힌지 관련 사항 조사 불가.

1. 东莞市橙工电子科技有限公司【橙工科技】

1) Date of establishment: 2003(2009 renamed); location: Dongguan;

(1) Business content: including the design/mould development/Stamping【冲压】/assembly/sale of metal hinge products covering PC/LCD/phone etc.

(2) Home page: http://www.chenggongworld.com/

The home page only shows the old foldable phone hinge and little information was released after 2011.

(3) Employment info.: currently focusing on PC hinge making.

(4) Patent info.: most of patents relates to PC.

(5) Contact info.: Tel:(86)-769-83366665; E-mail: liu@chenggongworld.com;

       Sales dep.18922522305 13922981085 刘先生


2. 昆山兆利电子有限公司 【兆利】

1) Date of establishment: 2006; location: Kunshan;

(1) Business content: including the development, production and sale of the hinge of  mainly PC and phone

(2) Homepage: X

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel:(86)-512-86892899; E-mail:  jenny2@jarlly.com;


3. 深圳市普赛汉进科技有限公司 【普赛汉进】 (Shenzhen Precise Hinge Technology Limited.)

1) Date of establishment: 2003; location: Shenzhen;

(1) Business content: phone hinge making

(2) Home page: http://www.phten.com.cn/

Technology development team included UK PTH Company, Sichuan Uni. (英国PHT公司、四川大学); the earliest professional phone hinge maker and has various species.

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.:   a. 多轴联动阻尼铰链装置 2018.4

                    b. 带有阻尼性质的铰链装置 2016.2

(5) Contact info.: Tel:(86)- 755-89505611; 13510801845(赵先生);

       E-mail: stanley.zhao@phten.com;


4.东莞市劲丰电子有限公司【劲丰】(JIN FENG Electronics)

1) Date of establishment: 1999; location: Dongguan;

(1) Business content: focusing on the development and production of the hinge making of PC, notebook, tablets, phone, LCD and etc. (including broad range).

(2) Homepage:  http://www.ejf.com.cn/

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.:

一种柔性屏(flexible display)应用的同轴190度外折(190°coaxial outward folded)转动机构 2018.12

Most of the patents relates to  notebook hinge (Relatively abundant patents)

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 0769-86522048; 13724496370

       E-mail: zhaxiaofang@ejf.com.cn;

(6) News info.: one of important company list in the new foldable phone industry

      Resource linkhttp://www.sohu.com/a/281584895_167954 2018.12.12 (Memo: two companies were on the list as 劲丰,安费诺 )

2) In accordance with market demand,

(1) First stage (1999-2004): mainly focusing on PC hinge, notebook hinge, phone hinge and slider making, main clients: TCL, Skyworth AOC,

(2) Second stage (2004-2007): mainly focusing on hinge making of various kinds of products; main clients: MiTAC(神达电脑), Proview Technology(Shenzhen).OKI

(3) Third stage (2007-now): focusing on phone hinge making, main clients: Sharp, Hitachi, Casio, Toshiba, kyocera Huawei, Foxconn

3) Memo: Customization available; BLU metal frame (胶铁一体)well-built manufacturing system; raw material provided by Korean and Japanese company; Long-term clients: Toshiba(from 2004); Huawei (hinge); MiTAC


5.杭州安费诺飞凤通信部品有限公司【安费诺】 Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parts Co., Ltd

1) Date of establishment: 2001 ; location: Hangzhou; wholly-owned subsidiary of the US-venture Amphenol Group; Strong R&D capacity News

(1) Business content: customized hinges and precision mechanical components; tool development, injection molding, stamping, MIM with SUS/Ti/T-alloy, CNC machining and turning, grinding, and polishing, sandblasting, printing and other surface treatment process.

(2) Homepage: http://www.amphenol-hzp.com/  well-designed

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.:

      a. 一种内折柔性屏移动终端的铰链及内折柔性屏移动终端 2018.2

      b. 柔性屏移动终端铰链及柔性屏移动终端 2017.6

      c. 半自动内折柔性屏移动终端铰链及内折柔性屏移动终端 2018.1

      d. 柔性屏移动终端铰链 2017.5

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 0571-86714425 86714311; E-mail:  sales.hzp@amphenolmcp.com;

(6) More info. about Amphenol Phoenix

Strong R&D capabilities (high percentage of R&D crew and multi-nation)

large quantities of patents application

       Resource: News link: http://hzdaily.hangzhou.com.cn/hzrb/html/2014-04/14/content_1709091.htm (2014.4)

(7) More info. about Amphenol :

 Amphenol Corporation: USA based company has many branches over the world including mainland China which is a large supplier for telecom market, phone market, data exchange market and specialized in connector(junctor/bonder) [连接器]

[Memo] Among all the branches in other cities in China, this branch is the most possible one


6. A.厦门锐阳电子有限公司 LKK Xiamen LKK Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd.

1) Date of establishment: 2006; location: Xiamen;

(1) Business content: automotive relay ; OEM;

(2) Homepage: www.lkk-ae.com

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel: (86) - 592 - 5181087 ; E-mail: LKK@lkk-ae.com;

(6) Other info.: Other wholesale business may relate to electronic product (resource: registration page);


6. B北京洛可可科技有限公司LKK Xiamen LKK Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd.

1) Date of establishment: 2004; location: Beijing (head office);

(1) Business content: innovation design (relating to many area);

(2) Homepage: http://www.lkkdesign.com

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 400-062-3130 ; E-mail: lkk@lkkdesign.com

(6) Other info.:

cooperation with Samsung, BoE, Huawei

Start form industrial design

Received may design awards


7. FUJITEC Group【富士达】

1) Date of establishment: 1948; location:

(1) Business content: elevator;

(2) Homepage: http://www.fujitec.com.cn/

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 4006-810-718 ;

(6) Other info.: no info. Was found relating to phone, hinge


8. 江铃汽车【JMCJiangling Motors Corporation

1) Date of establishment: 1968; location: Jiangxi;

(1) Business content: automobile

(2) Homepage: https://www.jmc.com.cn/ 

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: E-mail: relations@jmc.com.cn

(6) Other info.: no info. Was found relating to phone, hinge     





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